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AASPI holding workshop Wednesday focused on ‘new concepts and cultures’

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The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of Illinois (AASPI) has launched a new collision repair training initiative and its second workshop will be held Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.

AASPI Business Impact Group (BIG), launched in June, and holds workshops “focused on inspiring and developing new concepts and cultures within the collision repair arena, outside of its current chaotic state; the confusion that is taking place in our industry on who is obligated to whom and what those obligations are,” AASPI told Repairer Driven News.

BIG workshops are open to Illinois repair facility owners and operators. Collision repair team members are also welcome, as they work on the front lines to help provide valuable information to advocate for consumers, AASPI said. The first workshop was held in June in Pekin.

At the upcoming workshop in Rockford, repairers will learn about peripheral businesses, such as Collision Safety Consultants of Illinois, available to their clients to help them navigate the rigors of full indemnity for their loss of property from an insurer, AASPI said.

Topics covered will include:

    • Total loss evaluation
    • Diminished value
    • Right to appraisal
    • Post-repair inspections
    • UDL repairer license requirements
    • Illinois Collison Repairers Act (815 ILCS 308) — AASPI says this legislation is “clear that the repairer works solely for the consumer and insurance indemnification contracts or tort (common) law have nothing to do with safe, proper repairs of a vehicle.”

“Repairers will have access to a current collision repairer that is actively and effectively educating their clients of these types of offerings to protect and indemnify their guests,” AASPI said. “Repairers will learn that there is an alternative way to do business that is not related to anything other than 100% focus on their customer and the safe, proper repair of their guests’ automobile.

“AASPI is thankful to launch 2024 BIG Workshops, with the support of our annual sponsors, to continue to reach, grow, and engage with businesses statewide.”

For those who would like to attend the Rockford BIG Workshop, AASPI asks that you register as soon as possible. Seating is limited.

Another BIG Workshop will be held Nov. 19 in Addison. Find out more here.

AASPI noted in a recent press release that it operates independently of AASP National. Its upcoming dissolution by year-end “has absolutely no impact on our ongoing efforts to support the success of Illinois collision and mechanical repair shops,” AASPI said.

“AASPI is a community of independent and dealer repair centers, technical colleges, high schools, and suppliers with the collision and repair industries,” the release says. “We are dedicated to serving members and the public of the state of Illinois through informing, involving, and influencing the safety and quality of repairs.”


Featured image: AASPI logo

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