Validation program for aftermarket scan tools begins soon, security ID needed
By onAnnouncements | Repair Operations
The National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) will soon be launching a validation program for aftermarket scan tools, according to its website.
The Aftermarket Scan Tool Validation Program is an industry effort to reduce high-tech vehicle theft and theft of security-capable tools. It also attempts to reduce injury and property damage to technicians and shops who own these tools.
Donny Seyfer, NASTF executive officer, said aftermarket tools that can perform key and immobilizer functions are in demand by car thieves because of the anonymity of use.
“When law enforcement apprehends these folks they generally have one or more of these tools that require no validation in hand and in nearly all cases they are stolen,” Seyfer said.
Seyfer said there are many cases where shops have been broken into, locksmiths have had their vehicles broken into or stolen and vehicle security professionals have been injured.
“Our goal is to make these types of tools inert in the hands of an unauthorized user and to log security transaction to the NASTF Secure Data Release server to discourage these thefts,” Seyfer said.
A locksmith’s leg was shattered after being shot during a carjacking, according to a 2022 Detroit WDIV story. It says the carjacker specifically demanded his “key-cutting machines” worth $8,000 each.
In October 2023, a Minnesota locksmith was lured to an apartment by a fake service call, according to a CBS article. Upon arrival, suspects held the locksmith at gunpoint and demanded he hand over his key programmers.
Seyfer said the validation program will not affect diagnostics on any scan tools.
“It only involves security transactions,” Seyfer said in an email Friday. “For the most part, our collision team advises that there will not be any effect on collision repairers.”
Seyfer said a few collision repairers could see an impact if they do module replacements that require a Vehicle Security Professional ID by the automaker.
“Those are very few and far between and for the most part sublet to other providers, or we do have many collision shops who have more comprehensive mechanical shops who have VSP credentials,” Seyfer said.
The program will use NASTF’s Secure Data Release Model (SDRM) to validate tool users. This will require users to have NASTF Vehicle Security Professionals (VSP) identification to perform specific security functions.
These functions include:
- Add a key
- All keys lost
- Immobilizer functions
- Any other process that the OE determines to be security-related
“You will be responsible for verifying the identity of the vehicle owner, but you are not required to fill out a D1,” the website says. “The tool and NASTF will take care of this process behind the scenes.”
The D1 form is used by repair facilities to obtain specific technical information and perform authorized repairs, according to NASTF’s website.
Anyone needing a VSP ID should apply soon to avoid any potential interruptions of business.
The program is expected to roll out in 45 to 60 days. The average approval window for a VSP ID is three to 10 days but could take as long as two weeks.
A VSP application can be filled out here.
A post on Diagnostic Network says VSP applications must provide documentation proving proper registration of their business, driver’s license, locksmith license, and agree to a background check.
Photo courtesy of JJ Gouin/iStock