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Crain’s Detroit: Comau’s Kinsella gives state of the assembly line

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Comau advanced materials and process technologies director Martin Kinsella had some interesting insights into the modern assembly line in a far-too-brief Q&A with Crain’s Detroit Business.

In the piece, Kinsella calls government fuel standards the major manufacturing challenge, as more and more exotic design and materials tricks require more flexibility in a line.

So while you try and adapt your collision repair shop to the futuristic vehicles being thrown your way, at least you can take comfort in the fact that the guy whose equipment is making them is having a tough time keeping up with it as well.

Find out more in the Q&A below.

More information:

“Q&A with Comau’s Kinsella: New auto materials force assembly line flexibility”

Crain’s Detroit Business, Jan. 16, 2015


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