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Hyundai launches ‘Recognized’ auto body shop certification program

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Announcements | Business Practices | Repair Operations
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Hyundai announced Tuesday it would recommend a “Recognized Collision Repair Center” network to customers, the latest automaker to indicate which body shops it feels are truly qualified to fix its vehicles correctly.

“This program ensures both independent and Hyundai dealership-owned collision repair centers have the training, tools, equipment, and facilities needed to properly repair Hyundai vehicles after they have been involved in a collision,” Hyundai said in a news release.

More RDN ‘certification’ coverage

Like Ford, Hyundai’s program will be overseen by Assured Performance. The organization will check a collision repairer to make sure the business and its staff have the training and equipment to merit recognition and audit the body shop annually afterwards.

Customers can check for a Hyundai-certified plaque in the collision repairer’s lobby or obtain referrals to dealerships and independents from Hyundai itself.

Repairers with questions or seeking recognition can visit or call 949-221-0010.

“We want our customers to know we have their well-being in mind after they have been in a collision,” Hyundai customer satisfaction Executive Vice President Frank Ferrara said in a statement. “Hyundai owners benefit from this program through the assurance that centers will ensure the fit, finish, durability, safety and value of the vehicles being repaired. Having a network of recognized shops is critical to make sure our cars are repaired properly.”

We’re going to look further into the program, so continue to check Repairer Driven News for updates.

More information:


Hyundai, July 14, 2015

Featured image: Hyundai announced Tuesday it would recommend a “Recognized Collision Repair Center” network to customers, the latest automaker to indicate which body shops it feels are truly qualified to fix its vehicles correctly. This screenshot comes from Hyundai’s website advising shops how to get that designation. (Screenshot from

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