Windsor Star: DesRosiers poll finds which candidate Canadians would trust to fix car
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You’ve heard of the “Which one would you have a beer with?” election test. But here’s a new one for the automotive repair industry:
A Canadian poll of 1,500 car owners sought to determine which politician was deemed most trustworthy to fix a car, the Windsor Star reported Sept. 10.
“The results surprised me, and I’m not surprised very often,” Dennis DesRosiers, of poll creator DesRosiers Automotive Consultants, told the newspaper.
Your answer may vary with your mileage, based on the results reported by the Star:
Vehicles 1-3 years old: New Democratic Party Leader Tom Mulcair.
“The interesting part is that owners of one- to three-year-old cars are often the wealthiest with the highest incomes,” DesRosiers told the newspaper. “You’d think they would have chosen Harper, yet they trusted Mulcair.”
Vehicles 4-12 years: Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Vehicles 13+ years: Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau.
The majority of Canadian vehicles are 4-12 years old, DesRosiers told the newspaper.
Those three men are among those battling for the leadership of the country in Canada’s Oct. 19 election, so we thought we’d point out the article to inspire a little tongue-in-cheek public debate by the automotive service industries up north.
It’s also a fun question for American service and collision repair technicians to ponder for the American 2016 presidential field, a full house with no incumbents running unless Democratic Vice President Joe Biden — a “real deal” car guy, as Car and Driver editor John Phillips told Politico — enters it.
To help you narrow down the U.S. Republican candidates for mechanical trustworthiness, here’s CNN’s recap of its Republican presidential debate last night:
More information:
“Poll asks: Which party leader would you trust to fix your car?”
Windsor Star, Sept. 10, 2015
Featured image: Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks to supporters after his Conservative Party’s minority victory in the Canadian federal election, Oct. 14, 2008, in Calgary, Canada. Harper was returned to power in national elections, but the Conservative Party fell short of a majority. (Mike Ridewood/Getty Images News/Thinkstock file)