Sign up for SEMA booth by April 6 for dibs on a spot; tips offered for vendors applying
By onAnnouncements | Associations
It’s never too early to get excited about the next big Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association Show, and it’s already time for vendors to start making plans.
SEMA is taking applications for the Nov. 3-6, 2015, show, and anyone who submits one before April 6 can get dibs on a booth location at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
The show also gave some advice for returning and first-time vendors:
- Web browsers: Don’t try and apply on Google Chrome. You’ll get errors you won’t with other browsers.
- Company name: If you’ve exhibited at SEMA before, enter your company’s name — or just part of it.”Sometimes if you enter your full company name, it will not come up,” SEMA said. “Try typing in the first few letters and then clicking ‘search.'”
If you haven’t been a SEMA vendor before, click on “If your company is not listed.”
- Cut it short: You only get 400 characters when describing your company. That’s not very much; SEMA estimates it’s 80 words or so. So do some tight editing when you describe how great your business is.
Details: Exhibitor rules can be found here. Booth buying details are at
More information:
“3 common pitfalls to avoid when applying for a SEMA show booth”
SEMA eNews, Feb. 5, 2015
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