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Get live updates from Day 1 of July CIC in Detroit

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We’re traveling to the Collision Industry Conference today in Detroit for the first day of the two-day event, and we’re going to help repairers who aren’t there keep up with the action.

After CIC Chairman Randy Stabler’s 1 p.m. opening, the first two events are a 1:15-1:45 p.m. giving a presentation of Atlanta CIC audience feedback and a 1:45-3 p.m. Parts and Materials Committee presentation  which could be pretty interesting, particularly after the April CIC parts discussion was sidetracked by the revelation that PartsTrader had subsidized a repairer to attend the panel.

Get more details here about the highlights Tuesday and Wednesday as well as information about the Society of Collision Repair Specialists open board meeting Thursday.

Starting at the 1 p.m. start of the event, check here for a real-time feed of what’s happening at the COBO Center. Join in the conversation with #CICDetroit or follow us on Twitter with @repairerdriven.

Live Blog Live updates from Detroit Collision Industry Conference

Featured image: The Collision Industry Conference logo. (Provided by CIC)

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