Get live updates from Detroit Megatrends autonomous car summit today
By onEducation | Market Trends | Repair Operations | Technology
Last year, we brought you coverage of the fascinating auto body lightweighting talks at Automotive World’s Megatrends USA.
This year, Automotive World expanded the event to three consecutive days covering connected cars, autonomy and fuel economy.
Our coverage starts today at 9 a.m. as experts explore the technology surrounding self-driving vehicles — as well as the challenges preventing them from realization.
Tomorrow, we’ll continue on to the fuel economy segment, which will partially focus on the powertrain but still provide us with plenty of auto body-related insight.
Check us out here for live Twitter updates from Dearborn, Mich., or follow along with @repairerdriven or #megatrendsUSA.
And revisit some of our coverage from last year:
- Megatrends USA: How the car of tomorrow will be welded, glued
- 5 collision repair takeaways from Automotive Megatrends USA
- Is carbon-fiber ‘gimmick’ or ‘paradigm shift’? Experts rave about BMW i3, pan expensive material
Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified the organizer of the event. Megatrends was organized by Automotive World. The article has since been changed to reflect this.
Featured image: Dave Anderson of NVIDIA speaks March 16, 2016, during Automotive Megatrends USA. (John Huetter/Repairer Driven News)