I-CAR warns of ‘phishing’ emails from impersonator
By onAnnouncements | Business Practices | Education | Technology
I-CAR warned the collision repair industry Tuesday not to open hyperlinks or attachments from “suspicious” emails purporting to come from the educational organization.
“Some of our clients have received e-mails from ‘I-CAR’ requesting you to review and approve an invoice,” I-CAR warned. “I-CAR did not send or authorize this or any other similar communications.”
It stated that “multiple ‘phishing’ emails” had reached I-CAR customers and staff over the past few days.
“These emails are intended to have you click through a link that can infect systems with malware, viruses and the like or send along a file that compromises sensitive data,” I-CAR warned.
To see if an “I-CAR” email is legitimate or a scam, call 800-422-7872.
I-CAR suggested those seeking more information about email safety review this video posted by technology consultant Jess Stratton (Solace Learning) on LinkedIn’s Lynda:
Featured image: An I-CAR booth stands in SEMA 2017. (John Huetter/Repairer Driven News)